Elizabeth Edwards, Esq.

Turning Conflict into Constructive Communication and Resolution

The Law & Mediation Offices of Elizabeth M. Edwards, Esq., P.A. provides mediation services for family and civil cases and legal services in family law to help you in resolving your legal dispute.


Practice Areas

Civil Mediation Services

Civil Mediation Services

Civil lawsuits can be resolved without a trial. Mediation serves as an effective tool for settling the case.

Family Law Services

Family Law Services

Family law matters in divorce, paternity, prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements, modifications, and enforcement.

Family Mediation Services

Family Mediation Services

Divorce and other family disputes can be difficult, however, a mediator can help resolve the dispute for the parties.

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Elizabeth understands the pressure of litigation and is passionate about helping parties get through the legal process with the least amount of stress as possible.

Attorney & Mediator Elizabeth Edwards, Esq.
Experienced Qualified Trusted Elizabeth Edwards, Esq.

With over a decade of experience concentrating in high net worth divorce which contained a variety of complex legal issues, and mediating numerous high conflict civil and family cases, Elizabeth whether through litigation, mediation, or conflict resolution has the knowledge and skill to help parties resolve their legal disputes.

Elizabeth is a strong negotiator who uses a soft touch in handling all situations dealing with high-stress decisions. As a mediator, she utilizes her abilities as a highly-skilled problem solver and helps empower the parties to resolve their disputes by facilitating communication.


 Let us help you resolve your case

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